Active Play Everyday!
Child Centred Care and Learning.
Active Play Everyday!
Child Centred Care and Learning.
Child Centred Care and Learning.
Child Centred Care and Learning.
We promote child centred care and learning daily within the nursery. Children explore and participate in active play both indoors and out. We promote healthy eating daily and ensure every child is seen as an Individual.
Just Be Kids is a Partnership Nursery and works in partnership with Glasgow City Council offering both term time and annualised funded places for children aged 3 -5 years. As a partnership nursery we offer greater flexibility with regards to the hours we can offer families. Helping parents to juggle childcare and work in a cost effective way.
We open 8am -6pm, 51 weeks of the year.
We also offer an early bird between 7am - 8am Monday - Friday. For an additional fee.
We have three large playrooms with direct access to their own large gardens. Allowing children to mix indoor and outdoor play. The nursery has a baby room, 2-3 room and 3-5 room. Catering for 111 children each day.